Statistically Normal

But with only 50% confidence.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Sitting on the floor Indian style
Waiting for my Gin to hit me
Momma sayin prayers for her bad child
Waiting for my Gin to hit me

Lately, it feels that I spend all my time. I wait at work. I wait at home. I wait on the way to work. I wait at the store. I'd love to capture all that time that I spend waiting and get just a QUARTER of it back and use for some better purpose.

Well here it comes just like I knew it would
A warm feelin that makes me feel good
Laying on my back no pillow for my head
Waitin for my Gin to hit me
Well I can't sleep til I'm half dead
Waiting for my Gin to hit me

Lately, I go in to work each day, thinking THIS day will be different. THIS day I won't have to wait. I will have all the data I need to begin working on the current problem at home. I work with my team and we map out our direction. We have a plan of attack. We KNOW how we will get things done. And our plan is brilliant. We will get the work done, once and for all, and we can move ON to something else. Get this monkey off our backs. But then we work down our plan. And hit a wall.

We take an alternate route.

Another wall.

We sit back and formulate another plan.

Another wall.

We go home. Come back the next day. Formulate a NEW and BETTER plan.

Another wall.

It all comes down to the horrid and awful truth. We simply must wait for others to provide us the things we next to move on. And no one but use seems to care that time is just ticking by. Ever so slowly. Does no one else want to move on from this project???

Sitting on the floor Indian style
Waiting for my Gin to hit me
Momma sayin prayers for her bad child
Waiting for my Gin to hit me

At home, I wait always for the Fiance. I may as well be single and living alone for all that I see him. Granted, I see him more NOW that I did before he moved to the east coast to be with me. But between his work schedule and mine, I eat all my meals alone with my last paperback novel. I spend my evenings on the couch with my dog or on the computer or doing the housework. The days creep by as I wait until the nights I get a chunk of 4 or 5 hours with him. Then those evenings are gone and I wait, once again, for another evening with him.

Some tell me that this means we won't ever fight! But that is only because we see each other only in passing. We discussing division of housework in notes. He wakes me up as he crawls into bed late at night. I wake him up and I crawl out of bed early in the morning.

And yet, I keep waiting to see him. And waiting for him to work up the ladder of seniority until he has a better chance of getting better hours so that I don't HAVE to wait so long to see him . . .

Well here it comes just like I knew it would
A warm feelin that makes me feel good
Laying on my back no pillow for my head
Waitin for my Gin to hit me

How much time does the average N. Virginian spend waiting in traffic? I am sure there is a statistic out there - but goodness, I've spent 3 hours going 20 miles before (3 accidents on 95 north during morning rush hour). Weekend traffic in the summer. Christmas traffic. Friday traffic before a holiday weekend. Merging off of HOV. Stop and go. Creeping inch by inch. Your car becomes your home - and your music capabilities very important. Learn any possible alternate routes. What stations give the best traffic. Or just get used to waiting. Because you'll be waiting for something all your life. Even if you don't know what you are waiting for.

Now don't bury me until I'm dead
Cause I'm waiting for my Gin to hit me
Waiting for my Gin to hit me

* lyrics from Waiting for my Gin to Hit Me - by The Skeletons, a great song, even if my drink of choice is Jack or bourbon


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